Check out these 14 Crazy Climbing Canines!
1. Climbing Mountains
Max’s owner certainly can throw far, but he’s struggling to find his rubber ball. Or maybe he’s just having another existential moment. Source
2. ‘Ard Rock Climbing
Rex needs no belaying for this wall; he’s ‘ard as nails. He’s been training for Crystal Maze for months (to the right, to the RIGHT! keep going Rex!). Source
3. Urban Climbing
Built like the concrete he pads on, Rocky is the Godfather. He don’t wanna kill everyone…just his enemies. Source
4. Dog Coming Down Mountain
Remember: Steep gradient slope + Dog on Lead = Likelihood of Death. So don’t forget your trusty crampons!
5. Bamboo Climbing
Little Barney spent most of his puppyhood playing with koala bears. Maybe he should audition for Australian Andrex Tissue?
6. Dog Sherpa
Who would have thought of a Labrador on a rescue mission in the jungle?!
7. Summit Achieved
This furry friend was built for the great heights. I’d certainly be keen for little cuddle when it get’s a little chilly up there.
8. Dog Scrambling
Rules for Rock Climbing- 4 Paws Good, 2 legs bad.
9. Kissing A Tree
This young Wishbone look-a-like has found his Maid Marion…in the form of a tree.
10. Climbing Wall Dog has a go at a manmade climbing wall
Bubbles thought he’d take up a new hobby…but even grade 3 blue footings appear a little too terrifying.
11. Dog Climbing A Green Ladder
Henry found a niche in the decorating trade licking up excess paint.
12. Wally the Dog Doing His First 5.8 Slab
Let’s hope this dog doesn’t end up being hauled up as those mini paws look perfect for fitting in the little gaps.
13. Dog Gets Stuck In Tree
This cute looking puppy chewed one too many pairs of heels, so his owner kept him in a place where he could cause no more damage…
14. Dog Belay
Those stupid humans don’t realise that 4 legs are actually pretty good for climbing.