With the spring/summer camping season fast approaching, it’s time to check your gear and see what state it’s in! Obviously everyone has a budget of what they want to spend on hiking and camping equipment, and the camping stove is always a hot topic. But how much should you spend?
We have given ourselves the challenge of finding 5 top quality stoves that can be used for first time campers, wild campers and seasoned pros but under the £50 mark. So let’s start with the lowest price first….
Campingaz Camp Bistro
This style is very popular in the stove world but what makes the Campingaz Camp Bistro stove stand out? Most importantly they were the first to come up this type of stove! It is tested by all types of boards to assure you of its quality (a lot of stoves in this style aren’t as rigorously tested) and using the Campingaz fuel you get a much better burn time.
Because of its flat base you can cook pretty much on any surface and it will be safe and secure. The lock system of course locks down the gas canister and secures it in place and you can easily change the flame on the stove due to its big control system at the front. This stove is ideal for first time campers and weekend campers.
MSR Pocket Rocket Stove
The Pocket Rocket from MSR is probably the most popular small light weight stove on the market. The stove itself only weighs 85g and can boil a litre of water in under 3.5 minutes. The Pocket Rocket is the weekend back packer and wild camper's ideal stove due to how light weight and compact it is.
The stove itself uses a traditional screw on the top of the gas canister system, which for spring and summer hiking is the perfect set up to have. Even though the stove is so small you still get full flame control (even if you are wearing gloves). The Pocket Rocket also features flame protection which shields your flame from the wind in all directions. This stove is perfect for going wild camping or light weight camping.
Trangia 27 1 UL Cooker
Now the Trangia 27 1 UL is a DofE (Duke of Edinburgh) favourite and has been on their recommended kit list for years. You really do get your money’s worth with this stove: 2 saucepans, 1 frying pan and of course Trangias windshields. The stove itself uses meth spirits to cook your meals. Now yes this is a little out dated but the beauty of using a meths stove it’s that you learn to respect it very quickly!
Saying that, the 27 1 UL cooker can fit the Trangia gas burner which of course is an extra cost but it does mean you will be cooking safely and also not creating as much mess. All the saucepans integrate with each other making storage really easy, and to top it off the cooker is nice and light weight.
Optimus Crux Stove
Due to the folding burner head with the Crux stove it is strong competition to become one of the smallest and light weight stoves on the market. The arms on the Crux have a slight curve to them so the pot or pan that is sitting on top of the stove doesn’t lay flat, this it’s a more fuel efficient burn time.
The Crux can boil a litre of water in under 3 minutes and can last up to 60 minutes at full output with a 230g cartridge. You get great flame control on the side of the Crux which gives amazing and precise cooking. This stove is perfect for the camper that really needs to cut down on pack weight and space!
MSR SuperFly Stove
And the top slot goes to MSR’s SuperFly! Firstly this stove can be used on all types of self-sealing canisters which is a great option to have just in case you are running low of fuel! The burner head is nice and wide making it easy to cook with bigger pots and pans.
Because of the large burner head you also get a broad flame which increases the speed of cooking time making the SuperFly fuel efficient as well. The flame control is of course glove friendly which gives you precise flame control. Lastly the SuperFly features a Piezo igniter which sparks the flame quickly meaning there is no need for matches.
So there we have it our top 5 stoves under £50! We of course stock hundreds of stoves on our site, to view them click >here<. Do you have any of the above stoves? We would love to hear what you think about them! Also have you found an even cheaper stove which ticks all the boxes? We would love to hear your story so comment below.
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