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New Hydroshell Advanced Waterproof Technology from Berghaus

New Hydroshell Advanced Waterproof Technology from Berghaus

Here at Simply Hike we like to keep a finger on the pulse of outdoor evolution so we can bring you the newest of technologies. With this in mind ge...

Keep It To The Right

There are five of us on a faintly-lit beach, each pumping our arms up and down with a slowly inflating paddleboard at our feet. Port du Marin, Mart...

Get Some Inspiration: A Year in the Mountains

As it is January, now is the perfect time to get inspired and start planning this year's adventures! Our very own Rob Johnson has just released hi...

Seeing in the New Year Adventurously

I open my eyes, sit up, bump my head on the ceiling and fall back down again. Oh the joys of going home for Christmas. Mum still has a bunk-bed in ...

How To Build A Backyard Snowpark

Most of the Simply Piste team have always dreamed about building our own snow park in our backyard (or the delivery yard: D) But how would we go ab...

Happy New Year from Monty Halls

It’s the tail end of one year, and the beginning of another. We tend to get very excited about this, attaching all sorts of significance and weight...

Our Top Five Christmas Gifts

Are you finding it hard to shop for your skiing or snowboarding buddy? Well at Simply Piste we have picked our top five favourite Christmas gift i...

Secret Catacomb Adventure

I’m writing an article about a secret adventure that must remain a secret. It’s proving tricky. I’m going to push on, but bear this in mind – a few...

Dave Cornthwaite : On quitting his job and becoming a professional adventurer

‘I want your job.’ I reply with a wry smile and shining eyes. ‘You can’t have it, but you can make your own.’ I stopped thinking at the age of 18 ...

The Recco System : Lifesaving Tech

If you've been buying snow sports clothing for a while, you've probably heard of RECCO and you may even know what it does! For those of you who hav...

Winter adventures are miserably cold, wet, windy and absolutely brilliant.

It’s mid October and I’m lying in my tent in a North Devon Campsite which has the capacity for somewhere in the region of 500 tents. I am however t...

A Sherpa’s Life

As the Khumbu Valley warmed on the morning of Friday 18th April, 2014, high in the crisp thin air above Everest's Western Cwm, an ice cliff, or s...