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What is MIPS Technology?

New to us for AW11 season is the award winning POC Receptor Backcountry helmet with MIPS technology. Multi-directional Impact Protection System, to give it its full name, is the new generation in safety technology. Advanced free skiers that ride in exposed conditions are the people the POC Receptor Backcountry with MIPS is mostly geared towards. Traditionally, ski helmets have been designed and tested to absorb the impact of the vertical part of impact. MIPS Technology works by imitating the system we've already got in place in the human brain, by providing a middle layer between the liner and the shell that allows them both to rotate independently of eachother. The helmet absorbs a lot of the rotational energy from an oblique impact, so you're kept safer. This means you're protected if you fall at an angle, which is the more common way to fall. See more about the the POC Helmets we've got coming in for AW11. To be first to know when we get our AW11 helmets, goggles and ski wear in, follow us on Twitter. image © 2010 MIPS AB